

Ok, so when did puppy’s start getting rebellious attitudes…? Seriously, sometimes it feels like I’m raising a rebellious, 13 year old freshman boy in high school trying to fit in with the bad crowd to be noticed. Ok, I know, some of you are thinking…,”really Aaron, it’s a dog.” But I tell you this, if the dog is not getting her way, and decides to look over her shoulder at you and relieve herself right where she knows she’s not supposed to….there’s a dog with an attitude. Need another example, ok. She gets mad about something and when you try and talk to her, she ignores you..and this isn’t just any “won’t look at you”, it’s like the little boy teasing his sister saying, “I’m not touching yooooouuu!”, only she’s saying,”I’m not seeing yoooouuu!”

I have a new hero. Cesar Millan aka, the Dog Whisperer.

This guy is awesome! The most undisciplined dogs I’ve seen are miraculously changed. With one (or two) snap of the finger and one SHH! of his voice, the dog stops and listens.

I must go and watch a couple of more episodes so, I can become a dog whisperer too.

Ok, now that I’ve vented a little bit, I think I’ll go and SHH! Lyla for a little bit.


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