Life lessons from guacamole
I don't consider myself a picky eater, but there are a few things I don't like. Oysters. Who in the world was the first person that thought it would be a good idea to eat an oyster? "Look, someone sneezed in a shell. I think I'll have a bite." That just doesn't make...

How Delaying Obedience Delays Victory
First of all, I’m not a fan of mornings. Because I like to sleep. I’m not the guy who wakes up at 4 in the morning to get my day started. Maybe I’m just not that spiritual. If I have to I will, but I’m definitely not going to choose to. A few weeks ago I had an 8:30...

Guest Post | Trust After Tragedy
I'm super excited to for today's post. My über cool sister, Valerie Jones, is guest blogging this afternoon. She is a talented singer, musician, leader, writer, mom, wife, daughter & the best sister I can ask for (don't tell her I wrote that!). I'm honored to be...

3 Ways Christians can improve their relationships with non-Christians
If you read my last blog, from snow to sand, I gave you a glimpse into just how awesome my previous cars were...That's not true at all. Pretty much all of them have been a step above the Flinstones family ride. I've had two cars that I would call nice. Including the...

From snow to sand
A couple of the things you can count on in Southeast Georgia is brutally hot weather in the summer and unpredictable weather in the winter. This consistently unpredictable pattern caused a change in our Christmas break plans last year (wow, it felt a little odd saying...

Fears, doubts, and insecurities.
There are a couple of drastically different emotions you go through when God reveals what He wants you to do. What He created you for and the direction He wants you to go. 1. Excitement That long anticipated answer has finally come! I finally know what I'm supposed...

The first 4
Simple fisherman. Not necessarily poor, but they were either self-employed, or as in the case of James and John, they were a part of a family business. Nothing wrong with what they are doing for a career, but if you look deeper into why they're doing it, you find...

Alright, so I just got back from Florida for a friends wedding. It was a lot of fun, and I realized how much I miss Florida, but that's a whole other post altogether. Anyway, it blows me away how awesome God is and how faithful He is ALL the time. Here's what...

Modern Church
I was recently asked a question about some of the biggest social issues facing the church today, and there are many many issues facing the church, but the first thing that came to my mind saddened me a bit. Immediately I thought that the church is at a point now when...

I finally get to join the crowd in saying, “I saw it!”
Fireproof. Yes, my wife and I are no longer having to confess of not seeing this movie. We were a little leery to be to be honest. Nothing against Kirk Cameron, but normally movies like this come off as cheesy, low budget, and have horribly cliche dialogue. So bad in...

Thanksgiving in the City!!
Hey everyone, I'm here in NYC watching the Thanksgiving day parade...errr..I mean football... What a day! I've got so much to be thankful for this year. What are you thankful for?

Today, I was welcomed
Well, today, I was finally welcomed to upstate NY. I'm not talking about being welcomed by people. No, no. I was welcomed by the wonderfully slushy roads caused by the superb northeast winter. (do I sound bitter?) My wonderfully bad tires and light weight car was no...