Well, today, I was finally welcomed to upstate NY. I’m not talking about being welcomed by people. No, no. I was welcomed by the wonderfully slushy roads caused by the superb northeast winter. (do I sound bitter?) My wonderfully bad tiresĀ and light weight car was no match at all for the slushy, snowy, twisty, hilly road they call Day Hallow. The ditch, however, was ever so thoughtful to catch me and hang on to me until Steve Carter could come to my rescue. (for those who may not have caught that…I lost control on Day Hallow rd., and went in the honkin’ ditch unable to get out.)
I was pleased to see there were a large amount of people who stopped to see if I needed help. However, it was laughable that all the vehicles that did stop were cars as small as mine (some smaller).
There were a lot of people who stopped to help out though. That was very encouraging. I guess today two things happened.
1.) As previously mentioned, I was welcomed to upstate NY.
2.) By the chosen method of welcoming me to upstate NY, I was proven I’m still a southern boy by coming in contact with the ditch.